Terms and Conditions

1. General

These terms of business for Hove Law Advokatfirma (hereafter “Hove Law”) are effective from September 1, 2024. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, these terms apply to all tasks performed by Hove Law. Note that the terms include liability limitations.

2. Hove Law Advokatfirma

Hove Law is a law firm with VAT no. 45042308.

All lawyers in the firm are appointed by the Minister of Justice and are members of the Danish Bar and Law Society. They are subject to the supervision and disciplinary system of the Danish Bar and Law Society and the rules of professional conduct in section 126 of the Danish Administration of Justice Act and the ethical rules of the Danish Bar and Law Society, which can be found at www.advokatsamfundet.dk.

3. Case Acceptance

Upon receiving a case from a client, we ensure, in accordance with the rules of the Danish Bar and Law Society and our internal procedures, that there is no disqualification or conflict of interest. We are subject to the law on preventive measures against money laundering and terrorist financing and must therefore obtain identification information from new clients and clients who have not previously provided such information. Clients must provide their name, address, and VAT or social security number when a case is initiated. The obligation to provide information also includes ownership details if the client is a company. At the start of the client relationship, we send a notice to the client with a description of the required information.

4. Processing of Personal Data

As part of our advisory services, Hove Law processes personal data about clients. This processing is regulated by the General Data Protection Regulation and the Danish Data Protection Act. For more information, please refer to our privacy policy on our website www.hovelaw.dk under the “Privacy Policy” tab.

5. Billing

The fee for our advisory services and legal assistance is determined based on the following factors: the task performed, its size and complexity, any urgent nature, the responsibility associated with the task, time spent, required expertise, and the achieved result. Depending on the nature and character of the case, billing is done immediately, monthly on account, and/or upon case completion. As a rule, we request prepayment for case expenses and other costs, and in certain types of cases, we request a deposit. All prepaid amounts are deposited in a client account and treated as client funds in accordance with the client account regulations. Payment terms are 8 days from the invoice date. In case of late payment, interest is charged in accordance with the Danish Interest Act.

6. Confidentiality

All employees at Hove Law are subject to confidentiality. All information provided to Hove Law by clients or received about clients or others in connection with work for clients is treated confidentially. To ensure the best advice and case handling, cases may be discussed among and handled by several of the firm’s employees. The duty of confidentiality applies with respect to legal rules that impose an obligation on Hove Law to disclose information to public authorities.

7. Client Funds

Hove Law has client bank accounts at Fynske Bank. Unless otherwise agreed or stated, client funds will be deposited in this financial institution. All client funds are managed according to the rules of the Danish Bar and Law Society. Accrued interest belongs to the client in accordance with the rules of the Danish Bar and Law Society. In the event of a bank’s bankruptcy, depositors are covered under the law on the guaranteed scheme for depositors and investors. The guarantee fund covers a depositor’s funds up to 100,000 euros (approximately 750,000 DKK). The coverage maximum applies to the total deposit in the bank, even if the money is in different accounts, including both client bank accounts and personal accounts. More information about the guaranteed scheme can be found on the guarantee fund’s website www.gii.dk. If a bank charges negative interest on balances in client accounts, this cost is borne by the client and offset against the account balance. The same applies if the bank charges a fee for setting up the client account.

8. Intellectual Property Rights

The copyright and other intellectual property rights to the work and materials produced by Hove Law belong to Hove Law, unless otherwise agreed.

9.Liability Insurance and Guarantee Insurance

The lawyers at Hove Law are insured with HDI Denmark, Indiakaj 6, 1st floor, 2100 Copenhagen Ø. The liability insurance has a coverage amount of 2,500,000 DKK per lawyer per year. Additionally, each lawyer is covered by a guaranteed insurance of 5,000,000 DKK per lawyer per year.

10. Liability and Limitation of Liability

Hove Law er underlagt Advokatsamfundets almindelige regler og rådgiver alene om dansk ret. Vores rådgivning er målrettet til den konkrete opgave og bør ikke anvendes til andre formål. Vi er ansvarlige for vores rådgivning over for vores klienter efter dansk rets almindelige regler. Vores ansvar pr. opgave er dog begrænset til 2,5 mio. kr. Vores ansvar omfatter ikke driftstab, tab af data, mistet fortjeneste, goodwill eller andre former for indirekte eller konsekvensøkonomiske tab.

11. Complaints

Hove Law is subject to the supervision and disciplinary system of the Danish Bar and Law Society and the rules of professional conduct, cf. section 126 of the Danish Administration of Justice Act. Additionally, the ethical rules of the Danish Bar and Law Society apply. These can be found on the Danish Bar and Law Society’s website www.advokatsamfundet.dk.

Complaints about lawyers can be submitted to the Disciplinary Board, Kronprinsessegade 28, 1306 Copenhagen K.

12.Governing Law and Jurisdiction

Any dispute between a client and Hove Law shall be resolved under Danish law by the Danish courts.

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